Link Services: Delivered with AFIRM RSL Starter Configuration

Unless you are already using LINK Services or C*Insight technologies, chances are your test specifications are maintained in spreadsheets. We taught our machine to learn to read spreadsheets. LINK Services is delivered with a base configuration that includes spreadsheet "templates" for a Restricted Substance List (RSL) Test Program and a Product Performance/Quality Test Program. The AFIRM RSL is used as the basis for the RSL template. This simply means that we have developed a representative testing program for the range of materials, substances, and methods identified in the AFIRM RSL. The patterns are immediately evident in the templates we provide, so if you have products or materials with other testing requirements, it is a simple matter to copy/paste from a similar test package and change the descriptions, limits, units, etc. accordingly.

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Low Cost, Low Risk Implementation for AFIRM Members

Theoretically, you could be up and running in LINK in a matter of hours. This is not very realistic, though, because your test program(s) may not be identical to the AFIRM RSL, which is only intended as a guideline. Your suppliers, users, departments, laboratories, and bills of materials (if applicable) will also need to be provided in spreadsheet templates. Depending on your subscription plan, your logo and branding will be applied to your login screen, test request forms, and test reports, and you may require integration with your PLM or other enterprise systems. Custom reports and dashboards, if needed, will also require some design and development time. We develop a project plan with at least two phases — the first focused on low cost/low risk deployment of the base system with little or no customization. Your stakeholders will gain experience with the system and have more context before finalizing requirements for further enhancements and integrations in the next phase.
Configuring AFIRM RSL in Link Services | Login for Details


Green Arrow Labs is an independent service provider to many AFIRM members, and is not sponsored, affiliated, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, AFIRM Group, its members, Phylmar Group (collectively, “AFIRM”), or any other third-party. Green Arrow Labs takes no credit for the work that went into the AFIRM RSL. AFIRM is a registered trademark of AFIRM Group. Phylmar Group is a registered trademark of Phylmar Group.